Footwear Studio Womens Othopaedic Slippers Touch Fastening Diabetic Slippers For Swollen Feet
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Hey there, slipper seeker! Picture this: a pair of slippers that feel like they've been waiting just for you. These aren't your average foot warmers. With their Touch Fastening strap, they're ready to fit like a dream. And for that extra bit of 'just right'? They're washable, It's almost like they've read our minds. Ever had one of those moments when you're all comfy, but you've left something outside? Maybe it's the morning paper or perhaps a forgotten plant that needs rescuing from the rain. With these slippers, those little outdoor dashes are sorted. Their trusty sole has got your back. But, just between us, they're not too keen on the wet stuff, so maybe keep them clear of those puddles. If you're thinking of brightening someone's day, these could be your golden ticket. They're a treat for anyone who fancies a bit of foot luxury. And for those with diabetes? These slippers are on the job, offering that extra bit of care.